Make all other units Flood-oriented too, like Anti-Infantry could the Carrier form, similar to Suicide grunts Īnd continue to replace units with existing, (OR NEW), Flood forms for this (hopeful and eventual) leader. Or make them just infected marines! (Cant be grunts, must follow the lore) (They could even be timed units, which would make the leader have a different take on the game, similar to Stukov in StarCraft II) Make the baseline unit, (replacing grunts, marines, and cannon fodder), the Infection form, with the ability to infect other biological units to be converted into the players army. Make the hero unit either the Thrasher form or the Juggernaut form. (Could be similar to Colony's powers, just more Flood-oriented) Add a new Flood Leader with Flood based powers. Sorry if im rambling, so here is the basic gist: I would love this idea, and it should not, repeat SHOULD NOT be added as an expansion, just another DLC hero for the Season Pass owners. The hero unit could be Flood Thrasher form, or even the infamous Flood Juggernaut form, (WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME, considering it wasn't used in Halo 2). Or something that is new and unique to Halo lore, like Kisano and Yapyap were, (Not counting the Halo 3: ODST voice line). It could be a Flood infection form that survived the crash of High Charity on Installation 00, and rose through the chain of ascension to become a new Proto-Gravemind or even an actual Gravemind, whose goal is to restore the former "glory," if you will call it, to the Flood. I think there should be a Flood based leader, with a new and creative premise like the resurrection of Johnson to be in Halo Wars 2. Now, this is where 343 (hopefully) (and Creative Assembly) will listen:

I've been playing the Halo RTS since it came out it 2009, and i can remember just one thing every time i played it after seeing the flood: Man, i wish i could play as them! Even on the maps where they were just neutral units you had to get rid of to take a base, it was amazing seeing them in game, or infecting my marines into combat forms. With the release of ATN, we get a glimpse of what the flood looks like in Halo Wars 2, which is similar to the original.